Investing in art has become an increasingly popular way to diversify investment portfolios. In times of economic uncertainty, many wealthy individuals turn to tangible assets like art as a way to protect their wealth. Art, unlike stocks or bonds, has a unique ability to maintain its value even during periods of economic turmoil.According to ArtPrice*, over the last 10 years, the art market has consistently outperformed the S&P 500 (inflation adjusted). Art has boasted 11.5% annual returns from 1995 to 2023, outperforming the S&P 500's 9.6% over the same period.
“ Fine Art is a Fine Investment ”
Some numbers : In 2012, a Rothko canvas fetched a record $87 million at auction. More recently, a collection featuring other American abstract expressionists, including one piece by Willem de Kooning and one by Jackson Pollock, set new records. The collection sold for $500 million in one of the highest-priced private art deals ever. There are different kind of of artists collectors can invest in and different ROI and risks : established, mid career and emerging artists don’t have the same ROI and risk .
A growing number of wealth managers — 78 percent in 2015 versus 55 percent in 2014 — think art and collectibles should be part of an overall wealth management strategy, according to Deloitte’s Art & Finance Report. As we move into 2024, more and more people are beginning to see the value in investing in art. While it is true that art is not a liquid asset, it can be a very smart investment for those who know how to do it correctly.
One of the main reasons why art is a good investment is because it holds its value over time. Unlike stocks or other investments, art does not tend to go up and down in value based on market fluctuations. This was especially true during the 2020 pandemic where other markets fluctuated significantly while the art market remained stable. The changes were not felt because the value of investment grade art is independent of most external events and so has a tendency to steadily increase as the years go by.Although art is considered a reliable long-term asset class, it is also important to know that it is a non-liquid asset which means that it is not something you can quickly exchange for cash. To liquidate your art asset means having an appraisal, working with an auction house or art consultant to find an appropriate buyer all of which can take time.
Another reason to invest in art is because you have a genuine interest in it . You get a part of History and uniques pieces from artists that give you emotions and then you can develop a real passion When you invest in something that you're passionate about, you're more likely to learn about it. It’s also about collecting . Finally having a collection of art also holds a certain level of prestige that other asset classes do not. As previously discussed art is a great investment solution because it diversifies a portfolio of assets and it allows you to build a strong heritage to future generations. Having a variety of assets in a portfolio helps to minimise risk while adding interest.
*The Artprice100© is comprised of the art market's 100 most successful artists, without any other aesthetic or preferential consideration, based on their auction revenue over the previous five years (in this case, 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2023). They also apply a liquidity criterion: for each artist, at least ten works (excluding prints and multiples) must have been auctioned annually for them to be included in the calculations. There are significant differences between art investments and stocks, past performance does not guarantee future results. YFAC does not guarantee art investment that mirrors the ArtPrice 100.